About the Author

A few years ago I was enjoying a session of a role-playing game with some friends. (Yes, I am that kind of nerd.) Afterwards, I wrote up the story of our game and shared it with my fellow-players. When we got together the next week, the group leader said to me, “I just don’t know how you remembered all those details.”
Those words were strange to me. I had never been complimented on my memory before. In fact, I tend to be chronically absent-minded. I can’t remember a grocery list if it has more than three items. I am terrible at directions. I forget appointments.
But I remember stories.
As I reflected more, I began to recall how, as a child, I would listen to a radio drama and afterwards be able to recite whole sections of it, verbatim, to my family. How could I have done that, if I was the forgetful person I tended to regard myself as?
And then I realized: this is my gift – my passion.
Everyone has one. For me, it is stories. I love to hear people’s stories. I love to read them. Watch them. Understand them. Write them.
So this is a place to share my story. And perhaps other stories. Bits and pieces. But more than that – it is a place to share hope. To show that there is more than brokenness – there is redemption. There is more than darkness – there is light. And there is more than despair – there is hope. Always. Even in the darkest moments, there is hope.
And so, welcome.
My name is Laura. I am a wife, and mother to two wonderful boys. I grew up in the mountains of northern New Mexico. I have a degree in creative writing and U.S. Military history from the University of New Mexico. I met my husband at UNM and we married in 2010. We continued living in Albuquerque for a number of years before finally moving back to the mountains again (still close to Albuquerque.) We bought our first house in 2018 and have enjoyed owning a little land and doing some small-scale homesteading (chickens, sheep, a garden.)
I am on the upside of healing from clinical depression, and have become very passionate about mental health and mental health awareness.
I am a writer.
I am a dreamer.
And I am a Jesus-follower.
Welcome to my story.